Daycare, Preschool (PreK/ECE) | Kindergarten/Elementary School | Middle School | High School
Preschool research (programs near home/work, hours, current waitlists, monthly cost, etc.)
Help get you added to private Daycare/Preschool wait lists
Deep dive into your assigned boundary school or Enrollment Zone schools, as well as other public (boundary and lottery) and private school options within your commute/mileage preference
Deep dives into public and private school options
Charter Public Schools, Magnet Schools, Innovation Schools, Special Focus Schools
(Arts, Science, Expeditionary, Montessori, International, IB, Dual Language), and
HGT schools (separate classrooms and integrated/cluster models)
Gifted, Creative Learners, 2e, Religious/Parochial (Catholic, Christian, Lutheran, Baptist, Episcopal, non denominational), Waldorf, Montessori, Reggio, Progressive, Traditional, Micro, Diverse Learners
Full tutorial of your school district's choice process, wait lists, deadlines, and navigation best practices
Research for specialized school support (e.g. gifted, Highly Gifted, Twice Exceptional/2e, ADHD/ADD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Autism, developmental/mobility challenges, disabilities, specific desired educational models)
School recommendations for those moving into or within CO (e.g. neighborhood options, recommended boundary schools, nearby lottery School options, nearby private school options, school availability, individual address assigned boundary school deep dives)
Mediation, Arbitration, and Court educational research (one or both parents' address assigned school options, compare/contrast boundary schools, find a public/private option half-way between both parents)
Private School step by step application support
Hiring of tutors (eg foreign language, math, remote school
Summer Camp research (specific hours, focuses, areas of town, cost, deadlines)